Guru Tegh Bahardur Ji and Raja Ram Story

Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur and Raja Ram War Story

On one of his travels, Guru Tegh Bahadur met a King named Raja Ram Singh. There was conflict going in eastern territory of Assam and Raja Ram was asked to solve the matter. Raja Ram asked Guru Tegh Bahadur, “You are true Guru. I beg for your help. My army can take care of them … Read more

Indian King Jai Singh and Rolls Royce Story

Indian King Jai Singh and Rolls Royce Famous Story abt Jugding Others

One day, during his visit to London, King Jai Singh was walking around Bond Street in casual dress. There he saw Rolls Royce showroom and went inside. There he looked at cars and then inquired about price and features of cars. When Salesman looked at him and saw his casual Indian Attire, he considered him … Read more

Guru Nanak Ji – Panja Sahib Story

Guru Nanak Ji Panja Sahib Story - Guru Nanak Ji Miracle Story in English

After traveling through many countries, Guru Nanak ji reached a Hassan Abdal fifty kilometers from Rawalpindi. Guru ji stayed near foothills. When people came to know about Guru ji, they began to come to him and talk about God. Soon, numerous people started to gather around him. There lived a Muslim priest who used to … Read more

Swami Vivekananda in America Stories

Swami Vivekananda Story - Christian Missionary and Swami ji Story

Story 1: Converting a Situational Set up into an Opportunity Once a Cristian missionary invited Swami ji to his house and took him to his personal library. Missionary self applauded his library bring Swami ji to books shelf and mockingly, “How you found the order of books here.” Swami ji was astute on observing things … Read more

Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago Story

Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago Story - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Stories in English

Guru Nanak Dev JI used to travel to a number of places. Once he was on his way to Saidpur, before he could arrive there, word spread in whole city that a holy man is going to visit. Malik Bhago who was chief of town at that time was a corrupt person and earned a … Read more

Socrates Stories – Power of Conscience

Socrates Stories - Astrologer Prediction n Socrates Reply Interesting Story

Once Greek’s famous philosopher Socrates was talking to his disciples. At same time, an astrologer arrived there and claimed that he could tell a person’s character by looking at the face. Then Astrologer looked at Socrates and said, “Shape of nostrils tell that this person have anger issue..” Listening to this Socrates disciples got angry … Read more

Why Swami ji Wear Saffron Turban

Swami Vivekananda Story - Believe in God Motivational Real Life Stories

Once Swami Vivekananda ji was in Rajasthan. He walking in desert in thirst and hunger. His body was in pain and scorching heat was taking a toll on his body. Swami ji tried hard and walked till his body allowed. At last when was not able to walk anymore, he fell down. At that time, … Read more

Swami Vivekananda – Sadhu Arrogance

Swami Vivekananda Story - Real Life Incident Short Inspirational Stories

It had happened after Swami Vivekananda ji had returned after his great address at world parliament of religion and everyone in country knew about him. Vivekananda was wandering near Himalayas and came across a river. There he saw that boat had already left the bank. So he sat by shore to wait for boat to … Read more

Idol Worship Significance..

Idol Worship Significance - Swami Vivekananda Life Stories for Learning

In 1891, State of Alwar was ruled by Maharaja who was not a believer of idol worship. It was heard that he often made fun of idol worship just to appease britishers. Swami Vivekananda was invited by, Dewan (Minister) of State of Alwar, to palace to discuss problems of people with Maharaja. On meeting, Maharaja … Read more

Be Proud of Who You Are

Madan Mohan Malviya Story - Be Proud of Who You Are Inspirational Stories Indian

Once Vice chancellor of Calcutta university sent a letter to Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya in appreciation of his work. When Malviya ji received that letter, he was with a friend. After reading letter Malviya ji said, “This is an awful proposal. What shall I tell? What shall I write?” On seeing his reaction, his friend … Read more

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