Dead Son Portrait Story

Dead Son Portrait Story - Heart Touching Stories Father Son

Long time ago, There was rich man and his son. Both shared a passion for collecting art. They used to travel around the world together and collect priceless work by Picasso and many other. Man had an satisfaction as his son had trained eyes and sharp business. So, Man knew that he would became as … Read more

Mother’s Love for Her Son

Mother's Love - Mother and Son Heart Touching Story

There was a Kid who lived with his mother. Kid used to hate her mother because she had only one eye. He used to feel embarrassed. Mother used to work as cook to support the family and his kid studies. One day mother went to kid school to meet him but kid was so embarrassed. … Read more

Life Changing Event at Airport

Life changing Experience at Airport - Marriage Love Stories

Story of man who experienced a life changing event at airport while he was waiting there to pick up his friend. As the man was trying to locate his friends at airport, He noticed a man coming toward him carrying his bags and stopped right next to him. After reaching his family he first motioned … Read more

Funny Husband Wife Conversations

Funny Husband Wife Conversations - Funny Moral Stories

A husband feared that his wife was not hearing well as she used to hear. He got into thinking that she might need a hearing aid but he wasn’t sure how to approach her. For suggestion he called family Doctor and told him about the situation. Doctor told him to test it by a simple … Read more

Boy’s Reply to Father..!!

Boy's Reply to Father - Short Story About Son and Father

One day, While father was working his son came… Son: Papa May i ask you a question? Father: Sure Son: Papa how much money do you make an hour? Father (got upset a bit): Why do you ask such thing..!! Son: I just want to know. Please tell. Father: I make 500rs per hour. Son … Read more

Old Man And The Wooden Bowl Story..!!

The Old Man And The Wooden Bowl Story - Family Stories

An old man came to live with his son, daughter-in-law and little grandson. Old man physical condition was not very good. His hand trembled and eye sight was weak and his step faltered. The family used to ate dinner together on the table. But the old man shaky hands and weak eye sight made it … Read more

Story of The Praying Hands Painting

Story of The Praying Hands Painting - Heart Touching Story

In fifteenth century, There was a tiny village near Nuremberg. A family with 18 children lived there. Eighteen!! just to provide food for family the father and head of family, goldsmith by profession, worked eighteen hours a day. Despite their seemingly hopeless condition. Two of Albrecht Durer and Albert the elder children had a dream. … Read more

Father and Daughter Emotional Story..!!

Father and Daughter Story - Parents Emotional Stories

At the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on the bench of the playground. She initiated talk with the man sitting on side saying, “That’s my son over there.” pointing toward a boy wearing yellow t-shirt. “He’s a fine looking boy” man replied. He added, “That’s my daughter on the … Read more

Little Boy and Doll Story..!!

Little Boy and Doll Story - Emotional Heart Touching Stories

It’s a story of a Man walking around shopping store. There he saw a cashier talking to a boy who would be 5 or 6 years old. Cashier was saying to boy, “I am sorry kid but your don’t have enough money to buy this doll you want.” After listening to cashier the boy turned … Read more

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