21 Interesting Facts about Chocolate

Interesting Facts about Chocolate for Kids - Amazing Chocolate Facts

Aztecs used Cacao seeds were a Form of Currency. Chocolate milk is an Effective post-workout Recovery drink. There are 2 types of Cacao tree. Most chocolate comes from Forastero Beans but the Crillo bean makes much Tastier Chocolate. Chocolate is the only Edible substance to melt around 93° F, just below Body temperature causing it … Read more

26 Mind Blowing Facts about Birds

26 Interesting Facts about Birds - Mind Blowing Facts about Birds for Kids

A Bird’s Feathers weigh more than it’s Skeleton. To Make them more Lightweight, Most birds do not have Bladders to store Urine. Rather than producing Liquid urine to get Rid of wastes, They produce a white pasty Substance. Birds don’t Fall off of a Branch when they Sleep because their Toes automatically Clench around the … Read more

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