Sadhu Holding onto Tree – Story about Bad Habit

Sadhu Holding on Tree - Story about Bad Habit

A man had habit of drinking alcohol everyday. His family used to be very upset by this habit of his. They tried many times to convince him to stop drinking and man tried to stop drinking but still failed every time. Now, whenever anyone tried to convince him to stop drinking, he would say, “I … Read more

Deaf Old Man Attending Satsang – Learning for Life

Deaf Old Man Attending Satsang - Learning for Life

Once an old man used to come to Satsang to listen to saint’s discourse. Man who also used to come to Satsang, noticed that old man. Man came to know that old man was deaf and thought, “If he is deaf, he cannot hear the discourse and if he cannot listen to story, then he … Read more

Three Friends Desire n Dilemma – Saint Suggestion

Friends Desire n Dilemma - Saint Suggestion abt Bhandara

Once three friends were having food at a Bhandara (free meal served to the people). While eating there.. First friend said, “I wish, to be able to organize such a Bhandara.” Second friend said, “Yes.. but even before we get our salary, there are long list of bill pending needed to be paid.. how can … Read more

Unique Exam – One’s Responsibility in Family

Unique Exam - One's Responsibility in Family

“Son! please go after you eat some food, you haven’t eaten anything since two days”,a helpless mother said to her son. “Look mother! I had asked for a bike when vacation starts and papa promised that he will buy me one after my exams end. Today is my last exam, tell sister that as soon … Read more

Saint and Young Man Story – Uprooting Bad Habit

Saint and Young Man Story - Uprooting Bad Habit

Once in a village lived a wealthy man was very worried because of bad habits of his son. He tried every way to make his son understand and leave bad habits but to no avail. One day, wealthy man got to know that a saint has come to their village. Man went to saint and … Read more

Bag of Tomatoes – Teacher Assignment for Kids

Teacher Assignment for Kids - Story about Hatred

One day a teacher asked her students, “Tomorrow, all of you bring some tomatoes in a plastic bag to school but there is condition to how many number of tomatoes each one of you have to bring..” Students asked, “What is it?” Teacher replied, “You should give each tomato a name of person you hate … Read more

Teacher Lesson to Students Arguing – Point of View

Teacher Lesson to Students Arguing - Point of View

In a class, two students started quarreling with each other. Seeing their quarrel, teacher asked, “What’s matter? Why you two are fighting like this?” First student said, “Sir! He is not listening to me.” Second student said, “Sir, why should i listen to him? What he is saying is wrong. So, what is use of … Read more

Value of Money Earned – Father Son Story

Value of Money Earned - Father Son Story

Long ago, lived a reputed merchant in a village who was blessed with a son after many years of his marriage. Son name was Chandra who was pampered by everyone in house. His every wish was fulfilled by his parents and family members. Time flew by. Chandra became a young man who never lacked anything … Read more

Virtuous Man and Sage Story – Way to Help Others

Virtuous Man and Sage Story - Ways to Help Others

Once upon a time, a very virtuous person along with his family went for a pilgrimage. After going several miles, whole family started feeling thirsty. Water that man was carrying with him had run out. It was month of June and there was no water to be seen anywhere and his child started getting dehydrated. … Read more

Father Teaches Son Way to Have Fun – Real Joy

Father Teaches Son Way to Have Fun - Real Joy

In evening, father and son went for a walk. While walking they reached near fields, where they saw that a pair of old shoes were lying on the way. Shoes looked like they probably belonged to a poor laborer working near by in the fields. Seeing them son thought and said to his father, “Why … Read more

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