Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes about Work n Education

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes about Work n EducationDr. A P J Abdul Kalam, popularly known as ‘Missile Man’. He was known to be a Great Personality and a Gentleman. He turned out to be a Global Leader. He was one the Respectable scientist and Played a critically important role in the Development of the Indian Space Programme.



A Teacher should have a Creative Mind.

Great teachers emanate out of Knowledge, Passion and Compassion.

Creativity is the Key to Success in the future and Primary education is where Teachers can bring Creativity in children at that Level.

Teaching is a very Noble Profession that shapes the Character, Caliber and Future of an Individual. If the people remember me as a Good teacher, that will be the Biggest honor for me.

Educationists should build the Capacities of the Spirit of Inquiry, Creativity, Entrepreneurial and Moral Leadership among Students and become their Role model.



The Best Brains of a Nation may be found at the Last benches of the Classroom.

Ultimately, Education in its Real sense is the Pursuit of Truth. It is an Endless journey through Knowledge and Enlightenment.

Real Education enhances the Dignity of a Human being and Increases his or her Self-respect. If only the Real sense of Education could be Realized by each Individual and carried Forward in every field of Human activity, the World will be so much a Better place to Live in.

The Purpose of Education is to make Good human beings with Skill and Expertise. Enlightened human beings can be Created by Teachers.



Love Your Job but Don’t Love your Company because you may Not know when your Company stops Loving you.

Look at the Sky. we are not Alone. The Whole Universe is Friendly to us and Conspires only to give the Best to those who Dream and Work.

Be more Dedicated to making Solid achievements than in running after Swift but Synthetic Happiness.

Those who cannot Work with their Hearts achieve but a Hollow, Half heart-ed Success that Breeds Bitterness all around.

To Reach the Summit requires Strength, whether it is the Peak of Mount Everest or your Profession.

All of us do not have Equal Talent. But, all of us have an Equal opportunity to Develop our Talents.

Don’t read Success stories, You will get the only Message. Read Failure stories, you will get some Ideas to get Success.

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