Commander and Tea Shop Owner Story – Be Helpful

Commander and Tea Shop Owner Story - Be HelpfulIt was freezing! Temperature was 0 degree!!

During patrolling, a contingent of soldiers were passing through mountainous path, their commander was also with them. Way became difficult and dark. Soldiers started to feel tired and difficult to continue walking down that path.

Just a little ahead, they saw a tea shop but when they reached their there, they saw it was closed. Every soldiers looked at commander with teary eyes.

Commander understood that everyone wants to rest. Commander ordered that they will rest there for sometime.

Everyone sat there. Just then one of them said, “If we could get a cup of tea in this cold, we could feel little relief.”

Commander understood that soldiers wanted tot drink tea.

He said, “But shop is locked, how can we drink tea.”

At this soldier said, “Sir, let’s break the lock. After all we protect these people. One cup of tea.. at least this is our right. After all it’s not like we are here to steal from the shop. We just want to drink a cup of tea.”

Saying this soldier broke the lock of that tea shop.

Everyone drank tea, ate biscuits and continued their patrolling but Before leaving Commander left two notes of rs 500 on table of that tea shop.

When in morning, shop owner saw that lock was broken, he cried and said, “Oh God! My child is sick, i don’t even have money for his treatment and now my shop got robbed..!”

Then he went inside nervous and saw that all stuff was there except for some biscuit packets. Worried as he sat on table, he saw two notes of rs 500 on table. Seeing money he jumped with joy.

Next day, When troops returned by same road, they stopped at same tea shop to drink tea. Shopkeeper gave them tea while singing a song.

Soldier thought that we had great feast at this stall at night and yet he is looking happy as if nothing happened.

Thinking this one of them asked, “Uncle you seem very happy, what’s matter?”

Shopkeeper said with a laugh, “What can i tell sir!! Last night God came to my shop.”

Hearing this everyone eyes were fixed on shopkeeper.

With great surprise, soldier asked, “God?”

“Yes God!!, Shopkeeper replied.

He then said, “My son was ill for some days and i didn’t had any money to pay for his treatment. Even after trying hard money was not available for anywhere, so at last i thought why not sell shop and use that money for my son’s treatment.

What would i do with this if i couldn’t save my child. Who else is there in this world for me except my family?

When in morning i came to shop, i was shocked to see broken lock of my shop, i got worried and thought my shop was robbed, now how will i be able to pay for my son treatment.

But then

I went inside and saw two notes of rs 500 that’s when i realized that God had came to my shop, drank tea and ate biscuits and left two notes of rs 500 on table.

He knew that i needed only one thousand rupees for the treatment of my son.”

After hearing this, all soldiers started looking towards the commander and understood everything. Every finished their tea and continued on their way.

Sometime even a small help from our side can bring big change in other person life. We may not be able to feel that but whenever someone is helped, that person will always be thankful for help.

God himself does not come to help everyone but gives responsibility to his beloved people. That’s why.. Where there is an opportunity, put your hand forward for help..

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Search Keywords: Commander and Tea Shop Owner Story – Be Helpful, Heart Touching Story about Helping Others, Must Read Inspiring Story about Small Act of Kindness

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