22 Buddha Quotes on Self-Care

Buddha Quotes on Self Care - Spiritual Self Learning Motivational QuotesBuddha, born with the name Siddhartha Gautama, was a Teacher, Philosopher and Spiritual Leader who is considered the Founder of Buddhism.


Every Human being is the Author of his own Health or Disease.

Your Body is Precious. It is our Vehicle for Awakening. Treat it with Care.

One should Strive to understand what underlies Sufferings and Diseases and Aim for Health and well-being while Gaining in the Path.

To keep the Body in good Health is a duty.. Otherwise we shall not be able to Keep our Mind Strong and Clear.

What you Think, you Become. What you Feel, you Attract. What you Imagine, you Create.

No one Saves us but Ourselves. No one can and No one may. We ourselves must Walk the Path.

Set your Heart on doing Good. Do it over and over again and you will be Filled with Joy.

If you find No one to Support you on the Spiritual path, Walk alone. There is No Companionship with the Immature.

Work out your own Salvation. Do not Depend on Others.

All that we are is the Result of what we have Thought. The Mind is Everything. What we Think we Become.

We are Shaped by our Thoughts, We become what we Think. When the Mind is Pure, Joy follows like a Shadow that never Leaves.

Remembering a Wrong is like Carrying a Burden on the Mind.

One Moment can change a Day, One day can change a Life and one Life can change the World.

If you are Facing in the Right Direction, All you need to do is keep on Walking.

If Anything is Worth doing, Do it with all your Heart.

If you Do not change Direction, You may End up where you are Heading.

Do not Dwell in the Past, Do not Dream of the Future, Concentrate the Mind on the Present Moment.

It is Ridiculous to Think that Somebody else can Make you Happy or Unhappy.

You yourself, As much as Anybody in the entire Universe, Deserve your Love and Affection.

Your Purpose in Life is to Find your Purpose and Give your Whole Heart and Soul to it.

Each morning we are Born again. What we do today is What Matters most.

Be a Lamp for Yourselv

es. Be your own Refuge. Seek for No other. All things must Pass. Strive on Diligently. Don’t Give up.

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Search Keywords: Buddha Quotes on Self Care – Spiritual Self Learning Motivational Quotes for Fit Health and Body by Buddha

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