Bride’s Father Condition For Marriage!!

Bride's Father Condition For Marriage!!Once a young man fell in love with a young woman. Father of young woman agreed for marriage with great difficulty.

Father agreed but on one condition. He said to young man family that – No elder should from young man’s village or family should come in marriage.

Condition was difficult to follow yet young man family agreed.

Now, day of marriage came. Everyone was prepared to leave for girl’s village, leaving all elders behind but among them young man’s maternal grandfather was adamant – I will go, no matter what happens.

So young man family decided to take him with them secretly and grandfather was asked to stay behind hidden.

When marriage possession reached bride’s village. Bride father welcomed all guest and see if any elder have come but he couldn’t found any elderly.

Now, Bride’s father sent message to groom that – Pond outside our village should be filled with milk, only then this marriage will happen otherwise take the wedding possession back.

Even after thinking a lot, no one could think of a way to do it. So at end it was decided that marriage possession will be taken back.

When grandfather saw that possession was being taken back, he came out and asked – What happened?

He was told about condition kept by bride’s father. Listening to it, grandfather smiled and said go and tell bride’s father – We have made preparations to fill the pond with milk, but it will be done only when you get the pond emptied of water.

When bride’s father got this message, he understood that some elderly has come in marriage possession from groom’s side and answered their question. He accepted answer happily and welcomed elderly and everyone else with great respect to his village for marriage.

This simple story teaches us that We should Learn to Respect our Elders and their Experience.

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Search Keywords: Bride’s Father Condition For Marriage!! Short Story about Respecting Elders, Short Simple Yet Interesting Story for Teenagers, Always Respect your Elder and Listen to Their Advice, Story to Make You Think, Trick Question Answer Story

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