Benefits of Chanting God’s Name

Benefits of Chanting God Name - Stop Worrying Learn Spiritual Way StoryOnce a sage who was on pilgrimage came to a village. Just on outskirt of village, there was a temple. Sage decided to stay in that temple for a while.

Few days passed by, villagers got familiar with that ascetic and started to come to meet him.

With time villagers started to come to meet him for help and suggestion. People started to share their problems and clear their doubts about spirituality.

Sometime, he would conduct spiritual discourse for villagers.

Once in a discourse, he said, “Always remember, one cannot be totally happy with enjoyment to all five senses. Hence, one should accept every situation in life, be satisfied with whatever one has and concentrate his mind towards chanting God’s Name. He should serve God selflessly. True Bliss lies only in God.

Hearing this one of villager got up and angrily said, “It’s easy to say that one should not go after five senses but practically it’s not possible.

I have three children, daughter is 23 yr old and i am still not able to find groom for her. My 19 yr old son yet have to complete his education and my youngest is 12 yr old.

My salary is not enough to take care of all needs of my family and because of this my wife also have lots of stress..

Now, in such situation.. how can you expect me not to worry and chant God’s name..?”

Hearing this, sage smiled and replied, “Will your problem be solved by worrying?? How many problems you were able to solve by worrying?? Even when we are aware of fact that, no problems can be solved by worrying, do we stop worrying??

If instead to worrying about all this, you divert your mind towards chanting God’s name then you will be able find way to come out all of these worries..

God is always there for us and chanting God’s name can bring peace to our mind and we can try to work out situations better way.. Hence, one should find sometime from his busy schedule to Chant God’s name…

Villager understood and bowed down before sage and thanked him for his wise words.

Worrying Doesn’t Take Away Tomorrow’s Trouble, It Takes Away Today’s Peace.

More God Stories – God’s Work (Must Read)

Keywords: Benefits of Chanting God Name – Stop Worrying Learn Spiritual Way Story, Worrying Can’t Solve Problems Learning Story for Adults

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