Benjamin Carson Quotes

Motivational Bejanmin Carson Quotes about Believe in God SuccessBen Carson is an American Neurosurgeon and Politician. Carson has performed several path breaking Surgical procedures during his illustrious career like that of separating Siamese twins. As a leading surgeon and political thinker, he has written a Number of books.


# Believe in God

God has an overall plan for people’s lives and the Details get worked out along the way, even though we usually have no Idea what’s going on.

God cares about every area of our lives, and God wants us to ask for help.

When we have done our best, we also have to Learn that we still need to rely on God. Our Best — no matter how good — is incomplete if we leave God out of the Picture.

If we acknowledge our need for God, He will Help us.

Through Hard work, Perseverance and a Faith in God, you can live your dreams.

God does not want to Punish us but rather to Fulfill our Lives. God created us, loves us and wants to help us to realize our potential so that we can be useful to others.


# Respecting Others

Everyone in the world worth being nice to. Because God never creates Inferior human beings, each person deserves Respect and Dignity.

We get out of life what we put into it. The way we Treat others is the way we ourselves get Treated.


# Key to Success

Every person is endowed with God-given abilities and we must cultivate every ounce of Talent we have in order to maintain our pinnacle position in the world.

Everybody has Barriers and Obstacles. If you look at them as containing Fences that don’t allow you to advance then you’re going to be a Failure. If you look at them as Hurdles that Strengthen you each time you go over one then you’re going to be a Success.


To do his best, one needs a confidence that says, “I can do anything, and if I can’t do it, I know how to get help.”

If we Recognize our Talents and use them appropriately and choose a field that uses those talents, we will rise to the Top of our field.


# Importance of Reading

If we commit ourselves to Reading thus increasing our Knowledge; only God limits how far we can go in this world.

The Doors of the world are opened to people who can Read.


Do you best - Benjamin Carson Quote

Do your best and let God do the rest.


Successful people don't have fewer problems - Ben Carson Quote

Successful people don’t have fewer Problems. They have Determined that nothing will stop them from going forward.

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