Angel’s Gift of Miracle to Saint – The Holy Shadow..!

Angel's Gift of Miracle to Saint - The Holy ShadowOnce lived a saint so good that angels came to earth. Angels saw that saint whole day could be summed up by two words – He Gave, He Forgave yet these words never passed his lips.

These words were expressed in his smile, his kindness, forbearance and charity.

Angel went back and told God about saint and said, “Lord, grant him Gift of miracles.”

God replied, “Ask what it is that he wishes.”

Angels came back to earth. They came to saint and said, “We are here to grant you a Gift of miracles. Would you like to have touch of your hands to heal the sick?”

Saint answered, “No. Let God do that.”

Then angels asked, “Would you like to convert guilty souls and bring back their heart to right path?”

Saint replied, “No, that’s angels mission. It is not for me to convert.”

Then angels asked, “Would you like to become a model of patience, attracting men by luster of your virtues and thus glorifying God?”

Saint replied, “No. If men get attracted to me, then they would become estranged from God.”

“What is it that you desire then?”, asked angels.

Saint asked, “What can i wish for? That God gives me his grace. With that would i not have everything?”

This time angels said, “You must ask for a miracle or one will be forced upon you.”

“Very well. Then.. I want that i may do a great deal of good without ever knowing it.”, said saint.

Angels were perplexed. They discussed and resolved upon following plan: Every time the Saint’s Shadow fell behind him or to either side, so that he could not see it, It would have the power to cure disease, soothe pain and comfort sorrow.

After this. when the saint walked along, his shadow, thrown on the ground on either side or behind him, made arid paths green, caused withered plants to bloom, gave clear water to dried-up brooks, fresh color to pale children and joy to unhappy men and women.

The saint simply went about his daily life diffusing virtue as the stars diffuse light and the flowers scent, without being aware of it. The people, respecting his humility, followed him silently, never speaking to him about his miracles. Soon they even forgot his name and called him “The Holy Shadow”.

Meaning of this:
That finally you have to Sacrifice your center so you cannot think in terms of the Ego again, you cannot utter “I” to Annihilate yourself utterly, to Erase yourself u

tterly. Nothing belongs to you, on the contrary, you belong to God. You become a Holy shadow.

More Spiritual Stories: Distractions in Path – Spiritual Growth Life Lesson

Search Keywords: Spiritual Enlightening Stories with Moral Lesson about Sacrifice and Ego, Zen Stories

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