Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

One day, while cleaning in Emperor Akbar’s bedroom, one of vase fell from hand of servant and broke. Servant got scared because it was Akbar’s favorite vase. Servant gathered all the pieces and secretly threw them. When Akbar came to bedroom, he found his favorite vase missing. He called servant and asked about it. Out … Read more

Akbar’s Beloved Parrot News by Birbal

Akbar's Beloved Parrot News by Birbal

Once Akbar went to market. There he saw a parrot, which was very pretty. Owner had taught parrot good things. Akbar got happy listening to that parrot and decided to buy that parrot. Akbar gave owner a good price and brought that parrot to his palace. Whenever Akbar asked parrot something, he would answer that … Read more

Farmer’s Well and Cunning Neighbor Story

Farmer's Well and Cunning Neighbor - Akbar Birbal Story

One day, a farmer was looking for a water source for his farm. So, one day he went to his neighbor and asked him if he can sell his well to him. Neighbor agreed. Farmer bought well. But neighbor was a cunning man. Next day, as farmer came to draw water from his well, his … Read more

Birbal and His Friend Story – Never Speak Hastily

Birbal and His Friend Story - Never Speak Hastily

One day, Birbal and his friend was coming back from somewhere. On there way, they were passing by a small stream. Bridge on that stream was very old, narrow and slippery. Birbal was able to cross that bridge but his friend couldn’t. Just before reaching the other end, friend lost his balance and fell into … Read more

Akbar Birbal Stories – Punishment..!!

Akbar Birbal Stories in English - Innocent Punishment Wise Thinking Story

Once day, when royal courtroom was buzzing with conversations, awaiting Akbar’s arrival. Soon Akbar arrived but he was not in his usual present mood. One of his advisor asked, “What is problem your majesty? Is something bothering you?” Akbar said, “Today, someone dared to pull my mustache.. What punishment do you think this person should … Read more

Power of Words..!!

Akbar Birbal Stories - Choose Your Words Wisely Moral Stories for Adults in English

One night, Akbar had a dream that he had lost all his teeth except one. Akbar got greatly disturbed by that strange dream. Next morning he called his astrologer and asked him about meaning of his dream. Astrologer replied, “My Lord, This dream was an indication that all his relatives would die one by one … Read more

Friend’s Promise..!!

Moral Stories on Promise - An Important Lesson on Promise n Friendship

Once Birbal and his friend were going somewhere. In their way they had to pass a small stream, on which there was a old bridge which was so narrow that only one person could pass at a time and with time it had become too slippery. When they reached there Birbal managed to get across … Read more

Akbar’s Order..!! Stories of Birbal Wisdom

Birbal Stories - Stories of Birbal Wisdom Fun to Read Short Moral Stories

Once Akbar got angry with Birbal and asked him to leave the palace and never come back to his palace. Birbal accepted Akbar’s command and resigned from his post as Akbar’s minister and left palace. After leaving Birbal went to a far away village and started to work there under a farmer with different identity. … Read more

Akbar Test – Spending Money..!!

Spending Money Stories - Akbar Birbal Short Moral Stories for Learning

During the reign of Akbar, Birbal’s wisdom was known to all. Many ministers in Akbar’s court were jealous of him and one of them was Akbar’s brother-in-law. He request Akbar to remove Birbal from his ministry and appoint him in his place. Birbal got to know about it. Before Akbar could decide, Birbal resigned from … Read more

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