35 Charlie Chaplin Quotes

35 Charlie Chaplin Quotes about Life and HappinessMy Pain may be the Reason for somebody’s Laugh but my Laugh must never be the Reason for somebody’s Pain.

To truly Laugh, You must be able to take your Pain and Play with it.

You will Find that Life is still Worthwhile, If you just Smile.

Laughter is the Tonic, the Relief, the Surcease for Pain.

Perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express.

Life is a Tragedy when seen in Close-up but a Comedy in Long-shot.

We Think too much and Feel too little.

I suppose that’s One of the ironies of Life doing the Wrong thing at the Right moment.

I Always like Walking in the Rain, so No one can see me Crying.

The Mirror is my Best friend because When I Cry it never Laughs.

The Saddest thing I can Imagine is to get used to Luxury.

I Believe in the Power of Laughter and Tears as an Antidote to Hatred and Terror.

I have Many problems in my Life but my Lips don’t know that, they always Smile.

Imagination means Nothing without Doing.

Despair is a Narcotic. It Lulls the Mind into Indifference.

Life can be Wonderful if you are not Afraid of it. All it takes is Courage, Imagination and a Little dough.

Failure is Unimportant. It takes Courage to make a Fool of Yourself.

Nothing is Permanent in this Wicked world – not Even our Troubles.

In the Light of our Egos, We are all Dethroned Monarchs.

You will Never find a Rainbow If you are Looking Down.

A Man’s true Character comes out when he’s Drunk.

Life is a Play that does not allow Testing. So Sing, Cry, Dance, Laugh and Live intensely, before the curtain closes and the Piece ends with no Applause.

Think about Yourself at least Once in your Life otherwise you may Miss the Best comedy in this World.

This is a Ruthless world and One must be Ruthless to Cope with it.

You need Power only When you want to do something Harmful. Otherwise, Love is Enough to get Everything done.

The Basic Essential of a great Actor is that he Loves himself in Acting.

A Day without Laughter is a day Wasted.

Your Naked body should only belong to those who Fall in Love with your Naked Soul.

More than Cleverness, We need Kindness and Gentleness.

We must Laugh in the Face of our Helplessness against the Forces of Nature – or Go Insane.

Worry more about your Conscience than your Reputation. Because your Conscience is What you are, Your Reputation is what others Think of you. And What others Think of you is their Problem.

Patriotism is too Deep a feeling to Depict in the Posing for a Photograph.

We all want to Help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to Live by each other’s Happiness, not by each other’s Misery.

Dictators free Themselves but they Enslave the People.

The Hate of men will Pass and Dictators die and the Power they took from the People will Return to the people and so long as men Die, Liberty will never Perish.

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