The Goal is not to be Better than the other man but Your Previous self.
Happiness is not something Ready made. It comes from Your own Actions.
To Conquer oneself is a Greater Victory than to Conquer thousands in a Battle.
If you Think you are too Small to make a Difference, Try Sleeping with a Mosquito.
If You want Others to be Happy, Practice Compassion. If You want to be Happy, Practice Compassion.
Be Kind whenever Possible. It is Always Possible.
A Disciplined mind leads to Happiness and an Undisciplined mind leads to Suffering.
The More you are Motivated by Love, the More Fearless and Free your Action will be.
Just one small Positive thought in the Morning can Change your Whole day.
Choose to be Optimistic, It feels Better.
We can Never obtain Peace in the Outer world until we make Peace with Ourselves
The True hero is one who Conquers his own Anger and Hatred.
In our Struggle for Freedom, Truth is the only Weapon we Possess.
The Roots of all Goodness lie in the Soil of Appreciation.
Judge your Success by What you had to Give up in order to get it.
The Ultimate source of Happiness is not Money and Power but Warm-heartedness.
When you Realize you have made a Mistake, take Immediate steps to Correct it.
Share your Knowledge. It is a Way to Achieve Immortality.
The Way to Change others Minds is with Affection and not Anger.
In the Practice of Tolerance, One’s Enemy is the Best teacher.
Happiness doesn’t always come from a Pursuit. Sometimes it comes when we Least Expect it.
Where Ignorance is our Master, There is No possibility of Real peace.
Anger is the Ultimate Destroyer of your own Peace of Mind.
Through violence, you may “Solve” one problem but you Sow the Seeds for Another.
Remember that Sometimes Not getting what you want is a Wonderful Stroke of Luck.
Love is the Absence of Judgment.
Someone else’s Action should not Determine your Response.
Real change in the World will only Come from a Change of Heart.
It is Not enough to be Compassionate, We must Act.
Open your Arms to Change but Don’t let go of your Values.
Never Give up. No matter what is Going on. Never Give up.
In order to Carry a Positive Action, We must develop here a Positive Vision.
Quotes by Spiritual Guru: Quotes by Zen Master Bodhidharma