28 Elvis Presley Quotes

28 Elvis Presley Quotes - Wise Words and Quotes for LifeElvis Presley was a famous Singer and an Actor. Presley was considered to be the “King of Rock & Roll”. He was a Famous American Rock Musician and Icon.


You have got to Follow that Dream, Wherever that Dream may Lead.

We can’t Build our Dreams on Suspicious minds.

Animals don’t Hate and We are supposed to be Better than them.

Truth is like the Sun, You can Shut it out for a Time but It ain’t going Away.

The Child needs a Helping hand or He will Grow up to be an Angry Young man some day.

Never wait for Tomorrow, What if Tomorrow never Comes?

When things go Wrong, Don’t go with Them.

There is No Job too Immense, When you got Confidence.

The Road to Love is full of Danger signs.

If you Cry when you are in Love, It sure ain’t No Disgrace.

If you let your Head get too Big, It will Break your Neck.

The Image is One thing and the Human being is Another. It’s very Hard to live up to an Image, put it that Way.

Love had surely Made us All and Hate would surely make us Fall.

If you bring a Friend into your Love affair, that’s the End of your Sweetheart, that’s the End of your Friend, that’s when your Heartache begins.

Love is a thing you Never can Share.

Do Something worth Remembering.

Ambition is a Dream with a V8 Engine.

Rhythm is something you Either have or Don’t have but When you Have it, You have it all Over.

Envy someone, It pulls you Down. Admire them and it Builds you up. Which makes more Sense?

Happiness is Knowing you have done a Good job, Whether it’s Professional or for another person.

Values are like Fingerprints. Nobody’s are the Same but you Leave them all over Everything you Do.

Sharing Money is what Gives it its Value.

Take care of the Fans and they will Sure take care of you.

To Judge a man by his Weakest Link or Deed is like Judging the Power of the Ocean by one Wave.

There are Three Requirements for a Happy Life. The First is having Someone to Love, the Second is having Something to look Forward to and the Third is having Something to Do.

Don’t Criticize What you Don’t understand. You Never walked in that Man’s Shoes.

You only Pass through this Life once, You don’t come back for an Encore.

Rock and Roll music, If you Like it, If you Feel it, you can’t Help but Move to it.

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