Bodhidharma Quotes about Mind

Bodhidharma Quotes about Mind Delusion and NatureWhen you Don’t understand, you Depend on Reality. When you do Understand, Reality depends on You.

If You use your Mind to study Reality, You won’t understand either your Mind or Reality. If you Study reality without using your Mind, You will understand Both.

As long as you Look for a Buddha somewhere Else, You will Never see that your Own Mind is the Buddha.

The Ignorant Mind, with its Infinite Afflictions, Passions and Evils is rooted in the three Poisons. Greed, Anger and Delusion.

Everything Good and Bad comes from your own Mind. To Find something beyond the Mind is Impossible.

When your Mind doesn’t stir Inside, the World doesn’t arise Outside. When the World and the Mind are both Transparent, this is True vision and such understanding is true Understanding.

Once you Stop Clinging and Let things be, You will be Free, even from Birth and Death. You will Transform everything.

When we are Deluded, There is a World to Escape. When we are Aware, There is Nothing to Escape.

Not Thinking about Anything is Zen. Once you know this walking, Sitting or Lying down, Everything you do is Zen.

The Essence of the Way is Detachment and the Goal of those who Practice is Freedom from Appearances.

Someone who Sees his Own Nature finds the Way, Even if he can’t Read a Word.

Whoever knows that the Mind is a Fiction and Devoid of anything, Real knows that his own Mind neither Exists nor doesn’t Exist.

The Mind is the Root from which all Things Grow. If you can understand the Mind, Everything else is Included.

To Go from Mortal to Buddha, You have to put an End to Karma, Nurture your Awareness and Accept what Life brings.

People of the Deepest understanding look Within, Distracted by Nothing. Since a Clear mind is the Buddha, They Attain the understanding of a Buddha without using the Mind.

Buddha means Awareness, the Awareness of Body and Mind that prevents Evil from arising in Either.

If We should be Blessed by some Great reward, such as Fame or Fortune, It’s the Fruit of a seed planted by us in the Past.

People of this world are Deluded. They are always Longing for Something – Always, in a Word, Seeking.

Worship means Reverence and Humility, It means Revering your Real self and Humbling delusions.

Unless you see your Nature, All this talk about Cause and Effect is Nonsense. Buddhas don’t Practice nonsense.

The Way is basically Perfect. It doesn’t require Perfecting. The Way has No form or sound. It’s Subtle and Hard to Perceive. It’s like when you Drink water: You know how Hot or Cold it is but You can’t tell Others.

Keep your Every thought free of Delusion and in life you will Witness the Beginning of Nirvana and in Death you will Experience the Assurance of No rebirth.

People who don’t see their own Nature and Imagine they can practice Thoughtlessness all the Time, are Liars and Fools.

When we are Deluded, There is a world to Escape. When we are Aware, There is Nothing to Escape.

Whoever Realizes that the Six Senses aren’t Real, that the Five aggregates are Fictions, that No such things can be Located anywhere in the Body, Understands the Language of Buddhas.

Leaving behind the False, Return to the True: Make no Discrimination between Self and Others. In contemplation, One’s Mind should be Stable and un-moving, like a Wall.

To Enter by Reason means to Realize the Essence through Instruction and to Believe that all Living things Share the same True nature, which isn’t Apparent because it’s Shrouded by Sensation and Delusion.

Bodhidharma Self Awareness Story: Bodhidharma and Emperor Story

Search Keywords: Awareness and Enlightenment Quotes by Famous Spiritual Leader/ Zen Master Bodhidharma, Quotes about Buddha

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