Soul Way to Heaven – Buddha Teaching

Soul Way to Heaven - Buddha Teaching

This story is from the time of Gautama Buddha. In those days, special rituals were performed after death to ensure the soul’s entry into heaven. One such ritual involved placing small stones in an earthen pot, performing prayers and offerings, and then striking the pot with a metal object. If the pot broke and the … Read more

Choosing Biggest Rose! Teacher Lesson to Student

Choosing Biggest Rose! Teacher Lesson to Student

Once a teacher took her students to her village. In village, her family owned a mango orchard and a nursery where they grew roses. All students enjoyed eating delicious mangoes from orchard and took photos amidst the blooming roses. As it was time to leave, teacher said, “Children, having good people and meaningful relationships in … Read more

Elephant and Rat Story – No Creature is too Small to Help

Elephant and Rat Story - No Creature is too Small to Help

Once upon a time, there was a city located by a river. One year, there was heavy rainfall, which caused the river to change its course. This led to a water shortage in the city, to the point where the people couldn’t even find drinking water. Gradually, the people left the city and over time, … Read more

Who is Greater Fool? Story about Truth of Life

Who is Greater Fool Story about Truth of Life

There was a devout seeker named Gyan Chand. He was always engrossed in devotion to God. His daily routine included waking up early in the morning, engaging in worship, prayers, and meditation. After this, he would go to work at his shop. During lunchtime, he would close the shop and not reopen it for the … Read more

Meeting God – Little Boy Heart Touching Story

Meeting God - Little Boy Heart Touching Story

A 6-year-old little boy often insisted on meeting God. He didn’t know much about God but was filled with a strong desire to meet Him. His wish was to sit and eat a meal with God. One day, he packed 5-6 flatbreads in a bag and set out to find God. He walked a long … Read more

Farmer Loss and Birds in his Fields – Law of Nature

Farmer Loss and Birds in his Fields - Law of Nature

There was a farm on bank of river where a farmer used to live. On other side of river there was a tree where many birds lived. Every year, farmer sowed grains in his fields and birds would eat grain from his fields, resulting in decrease in farmer’s yield. Troubled by birds, farmer made a … Read more

What is Absolutely Useless? Disciple and Guru Story

What is Absolutely Useless Disciple and Guru Story

A young man went to a sage fo knowledge, after attaining knowledge, disciple wanted to give something to give to his Guru in return. Disciple went to his Guru to ask for anything, he would like to take as Gurudakshina. Guru said, “I will take something which is absolute useless.” Disciple set out in search … Read more