Currently browsing:- Wise Man Stories:

Secret of Happiness Stories - Wise Man Advice to Young Man Moral Story

Wise Man Advice – Secret of Happiness!!

Once an old man wanted his son to learn about secret of happiness so he sent his son far away to meet a man who was known for being wisest man. Son obeyed his father. It took him weeks to reach that place. There young man saw a very big and beautiful castle on mountain…

Old Man and Boy in Village Story - Its our Choice Learning Story with Moral

Wise Old Man and Boy Story

Once a wise old man who lived in Himalaya used to visits local villages once a while. During his visits to local villages he used to meet villagers and entertain them and sometimes amuse them with his abilities. His ability was to tell anyone about the contents they hold in their pocket without looking at…

Zen Master Stories - Judging Others Short Moral Stories for Kids to Learn

Judging Other’s – Zen Master Stories..!!

Story 1: Try to See Yourself..!! Once Japanese master said to his disciples, “When you look at your companions, try to see yourself..” One of disciple questioned, “But Master.. Isn’t that an awful selfish attitude?? If we see ourselves in everyone, we will always be just concerned about ourselves and we will never be able…

The Holy Man Short Story - Judging Other on Basis of Their Appearance

Holy Man Advice – Life Lesson

Once people of a village came to know about a wise holy man who used to live in a small house on mountain top which was very difficult to reach to. Thinking of difficulty to reach there no one from village ever tried to visit him. One day, a man from village decided to take…

Reflection Moral Stories - Best Short Story about Our Views and Thinking

Reflection of Oneself..!

In a land faraway lived a wise old man. Old man loved to watch people like merchants from other town and peasant who used to go to other towns to sell their products. So, Everyday he used to sit on bench placed just outside town to see people passing by that town. When he used…

Verbal Abuse Stories - Peaceful Warrior Moral Ignoring Provocation Story

Peaceful Warrior Secret to Win..

Once lived a great warrior who was quiet old but still was able to defeat any challenger. He was famous throughout the island and had many students gathered to study under him. One day a young warrior arrived at village was determined to be the first one to defeat great warrior. He had great strength…

What to Pray For - Interesting Thought about Praying to God Best Story

What to Pray For..?

Once a person came to a wise man Ho and asked him a question, “Is it worth praying?” Wise man Ho smiled and answered him, “Don’t ask such questions. We all pray when there is nothing left. But Now you asked i would say if you do pray then it should not be about something…

Short Story About Fighting with Family - Brothers Fight Solution

Solution of Brother’s Fight..!

Once in village lived two brothers who used to live on adjoining farms for last 40 years. For all these years they lived happily side by side farming, sharing machinery and trading labor and good as per need. Once they both got into conflict which started with a small misunderstanding and grew into major difference…

99 Club Story for Adults with Moral to Live Life Fullest n Happy

What’s Meaning of 99 Club?

Once upon a time lived a King who was not happy or content despite his Luxurious lifestyle. One day, king saw a servant who was singing happily while he worked. This made king curious about servant joy. King thought to himself that he is Ruler of the Land still he is unhappy and gloomy, while…

Socrates Moral Stories - Trust in Relationship Moral Stories

Filter Test for Rumors!! (Must Read)

In ancient times, Socrates (Philosopher) in Greece were considered in High esteem for their knowledge. One day a follower of great philosopher went to him and started saying, “Do you know what things i just heard about one of your friend?” Just before he could say anything further philosopher interrupted him saying, “Hold on a…

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