Currently browsing:- King Moral Stories:

King Question to Saint - How Can I Meet God?

King Question to Saint – How Can I Meet God?

A King was walking on terrace of his palace in evening. Suddenly his eyes fell on a saint who was walking in the market near palace. King felt that saint was full of joy and seeing this, King became anxious to meet him. He called his servants asked them to bring saint to him immediately….

Minister Reaction to his Death Sentence!

Minister Reaction to his Death Sentence!

Once King Devraj was not happy with Knowledge of his minister. So, he ordered his soldier to go to his house and give his message. It was occasion of minister’s birthday and everyone was rejoicing when soldier arrived with King’s message. Soldier said, “Today, in evening minister will be hanged.” Hearing this, all stopped. Minister’s…

Meaning of King Dream - Choose Words Wisely

Meaning of King’s Dream – Choose Your Words Wisely

Once a King saw in a dream that all his teeth were broken, only a big front tooth was left in his mouth. King got greatly disturbed by such dream. In morning, King narrated his dream to his minister and wanted to know its meaning. Ministers advised that dream experts should be called and ask…

Farmer Choice of Fruit Story - God is Merciful

Farmer Choice of Fruit Story – God is Merciful

There was a Hugh orchard at King’s palace. Wide variety of fruits were grown in that orchard. A farmer was appointed as the head for management and maintenance of that orchard. Farmer used to go to King’s palace everyday with fresh fruits from the orchard. One day farmer saw that fruits of coconut, guava, plum…

King and Two Parrots - Reason for Being Different

King and Two Parrots – Reason for Being Different

Once a King was going alone in the forest, riding on a horse. When he was passing by a hut, there he saw a parrot in the cage. On seeing King, parrot cried out, “Run.. Catch it.. Kill it… Snatch it’s horse… Take away his jewels.” King understood that he had come to bandit’s colony….

King's Question and Wise Man Interesting Answer

King’s Question and Wise Man Interesting Answer

One day King came to know about a wise man who was visiting his kingdom. King got curious and called for wise man to visit his court. When wise man came to King’s court, King said to him, “I have heard about your wisdom. I want to ask you something but if you are not…

King's offer and Thief Heart Change - Deep Meaning

How a Robber Became a Sadhu – Deep Meaning

Once there was a thief who heard that King has made announcement and invited all Sanyasi, sadhu from his kingdom, to his palace for a meeting. Thief thought, “May be King will be giving alms to those Sanyasi and Sadhu. If i go there, i can rob others when they leave palace.” On decided day,…

Who is More ill-omened Minister Question to King

Who is More ill-omened – Minister Question to King

Long ago, in a kingdom lived a man who was famous for being ill-omened (unlucky). At last people complained to King about that man. King didn’t believed this belief of people and decided to investigate himself. So, he sent his soldiers to bring that man to palace and made arrangement for him to stay. Next…

Bird Lesson to King - Learning for Life

Clever Bird Lesson to King – Learning for Life

Once upon a time, a King rules in a kingdom and he had a very beautiful garden in his palace. One day a bird came to the garden and tasted grapes from vine. Grapes were sweet in taste and from that on wards that bird would come to garden every day, sit on vine and…

Puzzle to Open Door - King and Young Man Story

Puzzle to Open Door – King and Young Man Story

Once a mighty King ruled a kingdom. He didn’t have any children and because of his age, he was worried about future heir of kingdom. So, he decided to hand over the reins of his kingdom to a qualified youth. He conducted a merit test for selection of future successor. For test, a magnificent palace…

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